Saturday, July 29, 2006

Stand By Me: a classic that stands the test of time

Stand By Me is one of those movies that everyone has seen--except Tim, of course. So we decided to remedy that this week, after much fanfare from my end. It had been several years since I had seen it, and I only really remembered that the kid from Goonies was in it and that there was a bunch of throw-up at one point, but it left a positive impression on me. The problem with this is that movies such as Tombstone and The Jerk also left a positive impression, yet seriously disappointed me on recent viewings.

Anyway, we watched it and it was confirmed: good movie. Maybe not the best ever--I think The Sandlot produces heartier laughs--but nonetheless good. It's fascinating to watch a young River Phoenix showcase his serious talent, and those of us who love 24 can appreciate Keifer Sutherland's badass attitude.

Jamie's Review: B+


At 2:54 PM, Blogger The Sanford Family said...

I remember laughing hysterically at the pie-eating scene when I saw the movie for the first time in high school.

Movie trivia: What slapstick comedy starring Jay Mohr also features a scene with communal projectile vomiting that had me in tears at a near empty movie theater in 1998?

At 6:01 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Even with the help of IMDB, you've got us stumped. I think I can narrow it down to two though: "Small Soldiers" and "Jane Austen's Mafia!" Am I close?

At 6:42 AM, Blogger The Sanford Family said...

The correct answer is: "Jane Austen's Mafia!" Who knew the prolific 19th century English author had such a knack for slapstick. Though the flick only squeeks by with a C- or D+, if you find the Naked Gun and Scary Movie genre, you'll still get good laughs out of this mock of the classic Mafioso films.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger TJ said...

I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Did you see "Jane Austen's Mafia" by yourself? Also, JANE AUSTEN'S MAFIA? What has this world come to!

At 12:46 PM, Blogger The Sanford Family said...

No. I have at time considered myself a loner, but never so much so that I had to go see "Jane Austen's Mafia!" by myself. Mark and I saw it and the previosly mentioned vomitting sequence had us laughing harder than any other time in the theater. I cried so much I had to change my shirt afterwards. I cried so much someone had come bring me Gatorade to rehydrate me. I cried so much small children were sept away by the current. I cried so much that 4 billion people signed a petition saying that my tears should be used to feed all the thirsty people of the world.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Was it called "second world vote?"


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