Saturday, July 29, 2006

Movies, Books, Music...who's got time to keep track?

Hey all,

So, I got this idea from my friend Tobey that we should set up a blog where those of us who like film can post reviews of movies. I got to thinking, and realized that I'd also like to know what people are reading and listening to these days.

And why not? I'd much rather know what ya'll think than some random critic online or in the newspaper.

So I'm going to set this blog up for a few of us to be able to post. Let's see if it works. Tobey and Aarin, I'm extending the invitation to two of our good friends (two of our groomsmen, actually) over here in Texas: Paul, who somehow knows every awesome, new band about 3 years ahead of time, and Steve, who is another film buff. They both also read a lot. And it goes without saying that their new wives are part of the invitation, too.

No rules to this. Whatcha think?


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