Friday, August 11, 2006

Miami Vice: Boo.

So, if you go to, you can read all the reasons why we disliked Miami Vice. Here are a few extra tidbits:

1. You'd think Michael Mann would continue his stellar work and make this movie a whole lot of gritty fun. But no. It's boring. No kidding. There are some cool scenes, but for the most part, it's really boring.

2. Even the 5 sex scenes are boring, not to mention completely gratuitous and grody.

3. Speaking of sex scenes, that was the ONLY way Mann established a relationship with the characters. How do we know Jamie Foxx's character and his coworker are dating? Because they hop in the shower together and have a prolonged bedroom scene that includes very little believeable affection (though some). But WORSE is Colin Farrel's character. First of all, I find it hard to believe Colin Farrel can have any sort of real love story anymore, just 'cause he's so nasty. But back to my point. How do we know he and the girl from the other side are in love? Because they randomly spent a weekend naked together after knowing each other from a few drug deals. And then we're supposed to believe they have something "real". Give me a break.

Bagby gives this a C-.

I give it a C.

Tim's oscilating between the two.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger The Sanford Family said...

Thanks for the advice, but I still think I'll see it for the sex scenes.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger TJ said...

:) Too bad even those are boring.


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