She's the Man: Twelfth Night done Teeny

You see, the truth is, I actually liked and would recommend She's the Man to those who are in the right mood for a decent flick of the teeny genre. I won't waste my time typing too much of a synopsis (you can get that on IMDB). I remember really enjoying the Twelfth Night by Shakespeare when I studied it in school, and it all came back as I watched the same twists and turns in the brilliant backbone maintained for this comedy. Most of the characters from the play were also fit into the bodies of high schoolers for this flick (or I should say, 20-something playing high schoolers). Amanda Bynes takes the lead and carries the movie quite well. I think that she is actually a uniquely funny female actress along the lines of Lucille Ball style humor. Supporting roles are enjoyable, especially brief pearls of wisdom from the schools headmaster David Cross (Tobias Fuche from Arrested Development).
Again, let me specify that I am saying that this is a decent movie of the teen-flick genre. The Shakespearian element definitely boosts its value. The teens are not overly sexual, like in comparison to the American Pie smut. We actually watched it twice this weekend, once on our own and once with Aarin's family, including parents. So you know it can't be terribly vulgar if I watched it with my in-laws.
If you are going to watch it, be ready for a fair dose of cheese (Gouda especially). The end was considerably long and cheesy, but the end of all of Shakespeare's are cheesy with everybody getting married and whatnot.
Tobey's Review: B-